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外國經(jīng)濟與管理 頁數(shù): 15 2019-03-20
摘要: 領導幽默是幽默領域的一個重要研究分支,是領導學研究領域的一個熱點話題。本文從行為觀、特質觀的視角梳理領導幽默的定義、結構維度和測量量表,比較相似構念。同時,發(fā)現(xiàn)已確認的領導幽默影響因素較少,領導幽默調節(jié)領導風格的影響效果,領導幽默影響領導有效性、團隊績效、員工績效、態(tài)度和行為,在影響過程中積極情緒、領導與員工關系、員工和領導行為、包容感等起中介作用,員工個體特征、領導者個體特征、領導與員工關系、工作特征等起調節(jié)作用。根據(jù)目前研究存在的不足,提出未來的研究思路:加強測量工具的修正和開發(fā)、豐富領導幽默的影響因素、加強研究領導幽默的影響結果、拓展領導幽默影響的作用機制、完善研究方法設計、推進跨文化比較研究。本文為把握領導幽默研究的脈絡和最新進展、推進國內領導幽默的研究和實踐提供了重要參考。
Humor is ubiquitous in the workplace. Since leaders are regarded as agents of organizations and hold power, leadership humor has an important impact on employees and organizations. Leadership humor, which is an important research branch in the field of humor and a hot topic in the field of leadership research, has received much attention from researchers at home and abroad in recent years.Based on reviewing the relevant literature on leadership humor at home and abroad, this paper finds the following conclusions: There are a large number of valuable research findings on leadership humor in western countries. The research has lagged behind in China. Leadership humor is defined from the perspectives of behavior and trait view. The differences exist between leadership aggressive humor and abusive supervision, leadership affiliative humor and inclusive leadership, leadership self-deprecating humor and leadership self-defeating humor. There are many structural dimensions and measurement scales of leadership humor. The confirmed factors which influence leadership humor are comparatively less, including employee affectivity, leader-member exchange, leaders' gender, work performance and status. The factors that influence college students' humor are not necessarily applicable to leaders.Leadership humor moderates the effects of transformational leadership, contingent reward leadership,laissez-faire leadership, abusive supervision, leader integrity and so on. According to the current research results, management implications of leadership humor research are proposed. Finally, based on the shortcomings of the existing research, this paper puts forward some research ideas in the future:strengthening the validation and development of measurement tools, enriching the influence factors of leadership humor, strengthening the influence result research of leadership humor, expanding the influence mechanism of leadership humor on outcome variables, perfecting the design of research methods, and promoting cross-cultural comparison research.The contributions of this paper are to grasp the context and the latest progress of leadership humor research, to clarify existing problems and possible research directions in the future, to provide a new theoretical perspective for explaining organizational behaviors in China, and to provide an important reference for promoting the research and practice of leadership humor in China.

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