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南開(kāi)管理評(píng)論 頁(yè)數(shù): 11 2019-02-08
摘要: 本文基于心理定位視角,從技術(shù)權(quán)力與組織間信任兩個(gè)維度,提出核心節(jié)點(diǎn)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)行為與非核心節(jié)點(diǎn)的追隨行為模型,并運(yùn)用動(dòng)態(tài)匹配博弈模型找出領(lǐng)導(dǎo)—追隨行為匹配的穩(wěn)定結(jié)構(gòu);利用訪談?wù){(diào)查法收集實(shí)證數(shù)據(jù),選擇沁水煤層氣網(wǎng)絡(luò)為單一案例,對(duì)所提出的命題及理論模型進(jìn)行驗(yàn)證。研究發(fā)現(xiàn)了4種穩(wěn)定的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)—追隨互動(dòng)行為模式:技術(shù)鎖定—共促、技術(shù)防御—疏離、技術(shù)定標(biāo)—脅迫、技術(shù)扶持—學(xué)習(xí)。
On the background of increasingly complex environment, enterprises can obtain sustainable competitive advantage only by joining the network and continuing to carry out learning and innovation activities. However, for the cooperative enterprises in the network, how to effectively establish and manage the relationship and behavior between the enterprise and its partners is the key to improving the technological level of the enterprise. Technical power and interorganizational trust have important impacts on the behavior of each node in the network. The model of leader behavior of core nodes and follow behavior of non-core nodes was proposed from two dimensions of technical power and interorganizational trust based on the perspective of psychological positioning, and the model of dynamic matching game was used to study the matching and interaction process of leader-follow behavior. The empirical data were collected by interview survey, the propositions and theoretical model were verified by a single case of Qinshui gas network. 4 stable leader–follow interaction patterns were found: technical locking–co-promotion, technical defense–alienation, technology scaling–coercion, technology support–learning. The results showed that the core node acts as the leader and takes 4 different leadership behaviors to different followers in the network; in addition to individual core nodes, more nodes belong to followers in the network, faced with different leaders, they will also adopt 4 different follower behaviors; these 4 kinds of leadership behavior and 4 kinds of follow-up behavior interact with each other to produce different effects. Under the background of the transfer of enterprise network from macro-structure to micro-behavior, from the perspective of technical power and inter-organizational trust, exploring the leadership-following behavior model of core node and non-core node would deepen the cooperation and tacit understanding of each node in the network, promote the improvement of cooperation quality, and ultimately enhance the overall governance performance of the network. The conclusions of this paper had important theoretical and practical significance for each node in the network to improve cooperation performance.

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