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東方法學(xué) 頁數(shù): 12 2019-03-11 10:19
摘要: 現(xiàn)代意義上的"智能合約"系建立在區(qū)塊鏈之上,用于自動(dòng)化交易,并受事件驅(qū)動(dòng)的計(jì)算機(jī)代碼。作為一種全新的交易形式,智能合約的應(yīng)用日趨廣泛,其帶來的現(xiàn)實(shí)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)亦與日俱增。同時(shí),智能合約所獨(dú)具的"通過代碼實(shí)現(xiàn)的規(guī)范性"和"獨(dú)立于第三方權(quán)威的自治性"也向傳統(tǒng)法律提出了挑戰(zhàn)。透過"代碼與法律""自治與管制"——兩個(gè)相互交叉的視角,國家一方面應(yīng)認(rèn)可智能合約的法律效力,尊重其自治架構(gòu);另一方面亦應(yīng)洞見智能合約作為合同的不足,強(qiáng)化其理性,糾正其偏差,保護(hù)合同關(guān)系中的弱者,最終促成國家與市場、法律與代碼的攜手共進(jìn)。
The smart contracts in the modern sense are event-driven computer codes based on the Blockchain for automated transactions. As a new form of transactions, the application of smart contracts is becoming more widespread, at the same time the real risks brought about by smart contracts are increasing. The"normativity through codes"and"autonomy without third-party authority"unique to smart contracts also challenge traditional laws. From the"code and law"and"autonomy and regulation"-two cross-cutting perspectives, it is argued that the state should recognize the legal effect of smart contracts and respect its autonomy structure, while the short falls of smart contracts are also fully explored compared to legal contracts. Therefore, we should strengthen the rationality of smart contracts, correct its bias, and protect the weak party in the contractual relationship, so as to promote the state and market, the law and the code to ultimately work together.

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