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統(tǒng)計與決策 頁數: 5 2019-05-10 13:17
摘要: 由于在不精確環(huán)境下僅考慮方案與正理想解的距離造成信息不能被完全利用,同時考慮正理想解和負理想解對方案的影響,文章提出相對VIKOR方法,旨在通過相對群體效用及相對個體遺憾確定一個相對最佳妥協(xié)解。同時通過求解最大化相對群體效用的條件約束問題確定權重值。提出單值中智語言加權cosine相似度公式,根據方案與相對最佳妥協(xié)解的相似度確定一組全排序。最后以企業(yè)對主導設計的選擇問題為例驗證了方法的可行性。
In view of the fact that the only consideration of the distance between the scheme and the positive ideal solution in the imprecise environment results in inability to fully utilize information, and also considering the influence of the positive ideal solution and the negative ideal solution on the scheme, this paper proposes a relative VIKOR approach, which aims to determine a relatively optimal compromise solution through relative group utility and relative individual regret. At the same time, the weight value is determined by solving the conditional constraint problems of maximizing relative group utility. In addition, the paper puts forward the weighted cosine similarity formula of single-valued neutrosophic language, and obtains a set of full sequences according to the similarity between the scheme and the relatively optimal compromise solution. Finally, the paper takes the enterprise's choice of dominant design as an example to verify the feasibility of the proposed method.

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