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首都師范大學(xué)學(xué)報(社會科學(xué)版) 頁數(shù): 11 2019-04-05
摘要: 面對新形勢下的"入園難"問題,構(gòu)建布局合理的學(xué)前教育公共服務(wù)體系成為當(dāng)務(wù)之急。文章采用GIS技術(shù),以北京市為例,分析幼兒園的空間布局情況,包括幼兒園分布與人口的關(guān)系、幼兒園的密度等級和幼兒園的服務(wù)范圍,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn):當(dāng)前北京市幼兒園與學(xué)前人口分布不完全匹配,區(qū)域之間分布不均,未能形成連片的覆蓋網(wǎng)絡(luò),服務(wù)壓力大,如果不及時調(diào)整,便會加劇學(xué)前教育的供需矛盾。據(jù)此文章提出了合理規(guī)劃資源布局、均衡區(qū)域資源配置的優(yōu)化建議。
Confronted with the issue of admission under a new situation, the top priority is constructing public service system of early childhood education(ece) with rational layout. This study employs GIS, taking Beijing as an example, to analyze the spatial distribution of kindergartens, including the relationship between the distribution of kindergartens and population. The results are that the distribution of kindergartens does not exactly match the distribution of preschool-age population. They unevenly distributed among regions, failed to form a contiguous network and bore the service pressure. The contradiction between supply and demand would be intensified if not adjusted timely. Thus, some suggestions concerning scientific planning of the distribution of ece resources and balancing resource allocation among regions are proposed.

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