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體育學(xué)刊 頁(yè)數(shù): 7 2019-03-28
摘要: 根據(jù)幼兒身心發(fā)展規(guī)律和教育部《3~6歲兒童學(xué)習(xí)與發(fā)展指南》要求,在廣東省不同地域、城鄉(xiāng)86所幼兒園中開(kāi)展構(gòu)建廣東省幼兒體育活動(dòng)"三維動(dòng)作"內(nèi)容體系的研究。該體系包括發(fā)展幼兒平衡、靈敏與協(xié)調(diào)、力量與持久力等動(dòng)作(簡(jiǎn)稱"三維動(dòng)作")的內(nèi)容體系和評(píng)價(jià)指標(biāo);結(jié)果顯示"三維動(dòng)作"內(nèi)容體系對(duì)幼兒的體能、智力和個(gè)性品質(zhì)發(fā)展均有不同程度的促進(jìn)作用;同時(shí)表明:3~6歲是"三維動(dòng)作"發(fā)展的敏感階段,其中幼兒發(fā)展平衡能力的最佳年齡是3~4.5歲,發(fā)展力量與持久力的最佳年齡是4.5~6歲,3~6歲均是靈敏及協(xié)調(diào)能力發(fā)展的敏感期。
According to children physical and mental development laws and the requirements of 3~6 Years Old Children Learning and Development Guide(hereinafter referred to as "the Guide") issued by the Ministry of Education, the authors made a study of constructing the content system of "3 D movements" in Cantonese children sports activities in 86 experimental kindergartens in different regions, cities or towns in Guangdong province. This system includes the content system and evaluation indexes for developing children movements for balance, agility and coordination, strength and endurance etc(hereinafter referred to as "3 D movements"). The results show that the content system of "3 D movements" plays a role in promoting children stamina, intelligence and personality quality development to different extents, also indicate the followings: the period of ages 3~6 is the sensitive stage for "3 D movements" development, in which the best ages for children to develop the balance ability are ages 3~4.5, the best ages for children to develop strength and endurance are ages 4.5~6,all the ages 3~6 are sensitive periods for agility and coordination ability development.

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