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體育學(xué)刊 頁數(shù): 5 2019-03-28
摘要: 對魯迅幼兒體育觀進行研究。由于19世紀末20世紀初中國社會現(xiàn)實的需要、中外哲學(xué)思想家的影響和豐富的教育經(jīng)歷等諸多原因,形成了魯迅獨具特色的幼兒體育觀。魯迅幼兒體育觀包含養(yǎng)成幼兒體育鍛煉的習(xí)慣,尊重幼兒活潑好動的天性,視游戲為幼兒最正當行為,提倡女童放足、提出母壯兒肥的主張等。在全面推進健康中國戰(zhàn)略的今天,應(yīng)充分認識與挖掘魯迅的幼兒體育觀,高度關(guān)注幼兒的身心健康,安排體育活動時尊重幼兒身心發(fā)展規(guī)律,把游戲看作幼兒體育活動的基本形式,重視婦女兒童體育運動、樹立健康審美觀,促進幼兒身心健康發(fā)展。
The authors studied LU Xun's children sports view. LU Xun's unique children sports view was formed due to the realistic needs of Chinese society between the end of the 19 th century and the beginning of the 20 th century and various reasons such as Chinese and foreign philosophical thinkers' influence and rich education experience. LU Xun's children sports view includes several aspects such as cultivating children's physical exercise habits, respecting children's lively and active nature, regarding playing as the most appropriate behavior of children,advocating for girls to give up foot binding, putting forward the idea of strong mothers giving birth to healthy babies, etc. In today when the strategy of Health in China is comprehensively launched, we should fully understand and explore LU Xun's children sports view, highly concern children physical and mental health, respect children physical and mental development patterns when arranging physical activities, consider playing as a basic form of children physical activities, value women and children sports, establish a health aesthetic view, and promote children physical and mental health development.

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