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教育發(fā)展研究 頁數(shù): 4 2019-01-25
摘要: 當(dāng)今時(shí)代,信息技術(shù)已然成為兒童生活的一部分。信息技術(shù)的介入先行擴(kuò)展了兒童的智力空間,提升了兒童的自主性與獨(dú)立性;另一方面,信息技術(shù)的過度使用存在著讓兒童過早地從自我存在的自然狀態(tài)中拔離出來的危險(xiǎn),也難免會(huì)導(dǎo)致人與人之間交流的弱化。我們需要在積極融入為信息技術(shù)所敞開的現(xiàn)代生活的同時(shí),充分理解、接納古典傳統(tǒng)的當(dāng)下意義,由此而尋求一種置身現(xiàn)代性背景中個(gè)體生命秩序的合理建構(gòu)。在實(shí)踐中,我們需要著力引導(dǎo)兒童重視實(shí)際生活,增進(jìn)人與人之間的交往,加強(qiáng)兒童與自然的深度聯(lián)系,以富于愛心的生活與交往為基礎(chǔ)而合理地利用信息技術(shù),由此而切實(shí)地引領(lǐng)兒童生命世界的逐步展開。
Nowadays, information technology has become a part of children's lives. The intervention of information technology expands children's intellectual space and enhances their autonomy and independence. On the other hand, the overuse of information technology has the danger of pulling children out of their natural state of self-existence prematurely and will inevitably lead to the weakening of communication between people. We need to fully understand and accept the current significance of classical tradition while actively integrating into modern life which is open to information technology, to seek a reasonable construction of individual life order in the background of modernity. In practice, we need to focus on guiding children to attach importance to real life, enhance interpersonal communication, strengthen the deep connection between children and nature, and make rational use of information technology based on loving life and communication, thus effectively leading the gradual development of children's life world.

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