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教育發(fā)展研究 頁數(shù): 8 2019-01-25
摘要: 兒童教育以順應天性、節(jié)制私欲為基礎,以和諧身心關系的建立來健全兒童的自然生命;以自愛和同情為動力,以有愛的交往與歷史的學習來拓展兒童的社會生命;以模仿和追求為方式,以經典故事中德性之美好來豐盈兒童的精神生命,由此幫助兒童在與周遭事物的相遇中逐漸完成從自然人到德性人的過渡,進而走向追尋自我生命的整全。
Children's education is based on adapting to nature and controlling selfish desires, establishing harmonious physical and mental relations to improve children's natural life; taking self-love and compassion as motive force, expanding children's social life through loving communication and historical learning; taking imitation and pursuit as means, and taking the virtue of classical stories as the beauty and enrichment of children's spiritual life, thereby helping children with the things around them. In the encounter, the transition from natural man to virtuous man is gradually completed, and then to the whole pursuit of self-life.

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