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學前教育研究 頁數(shù): 4 2019-04-01
摘要: 當前我國農(nóng)村幼兒園普遍存在班級規(guī)模相對偏大、教師專業(yè)素養(yǎng)偏低、課程教學活動偏離兒童發(fā)展目的等問題。在外部條件給定的情況下,農(nóng)村幼兒園可以嘗試通過建構(gòu)和推行兒童工作坊來推動幼兒園的內(nèi)涵發(fā)展,進而提升幼兒的成長質(zhì)量。農(nóng)村幼兒園兒童工作坊既涉及為幼兒提供廣闊的活動空間,又是幼兒共同參與的學習共同體,其建構(gòu)需要以適宜的微觀環(huán)境、教育方式和師幼關(guān)系為支撐,可以有效促進教師專業(yè)發(fā)展,改進教育方式和教育環(huán)境,進而推動農(nóng)村幼兒園可持續(xù)健康發(fā)展。
There are some problems in rural kindergarten such as the large class size,the teachers with the low specialty literacy and the teaching don't accord with the rural reality,but the rural kindergarten can realize the connotation development by the children's workshop. The children's workshop can provide an extensive activity and learning space to children,and its building should take the appropriate microenvironment,educational method and relations between teachers and children.

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