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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 15 2019-04-01
摘要: 家庭社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)地位(Socioeconomic Status,簡稱SES)可以根據(jù)家庭收入、父母職業(yè)、父母受教育水平、家庭物質(zhì)來源、家庭和居住地的語言文化環(huán)境以及家庭收入與支出比等來判斷,它與兒童語言習(xí)得結(jié)果即個(gè)體語言能力發(fā)展的多樣性具有密切關(guān)系。家庭社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)地位通過居住地語言環(huán)境、家庭語言環(huán)境和父母教養(yǎng)方式三個(gè)中介因素制約不同兒童群體的語言發(fā)展速度、詞匯習(xí)得、語音意識(shí)及句法的發(fā)展,這為針對(duì)低SES家庭兒童實(shí)施早期語言干預(yù)提供了可能。學(xué)界應(yīng)當(dāng)通力合作,開展大面積縱向調(diào)查,加強(qiáng)影響低SES家庭兒童語言發(fā)展的因素研究,編制適合我國兒童的語言能力發(fā)展量表,完善和統(tǒng)一不同年齡段兒童語言能力測試的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及細(xì)則。國家和社會(huì)應(yīng)當(dāng)攜手支持科研工作,落實(shí)各種專項(xiàng)科研基金,積極推動(dòng)研究成果的轉(zhuǎn)換和應(yīng)用,同時(shí)呼吁關(guān)注低SES人群,提高低SES家長的育兒決心和信心,減輕低SES家庭壓力,積極制訂和實(shí)施兒童語言發(fā)展政策、家庭語言管理與規(guī)劃及社會(huì)救助政策。
Socioeconomic Status(SES) can be evaluated by household income,parental occupation,parental education(usually the level of mother's education),source of family material,linguistic and cultural environment of the family and place of residence,as well as ration of income and expenditure. It has a close relationship with the diversity of individual children 's language ability development. Socio-economic status restricts and determines the speed of language development, vocabulary acquisition,phonological awareness and syntax of different groups of children through three mediating factors :the community language environment,the family language environment and the parental pattern. This makes early language intervention possible for low-SES children,and provides inspiration for specific interventions.Therefore,researchers from different fields should cooperate with each other to strengthen the study of relevant factors affecting the language development of children with low SES by carrying out a large-scale longitudinal survey. Besides, a scale suitable for Chinese children 's language development should be formulated,and the standards and rules of language proficiency test for children of different ages should be perfected and unified. The state and society should work together to support scientific research,implement various special research funds,and actively promote the transformation and application of research results. At the same time,they should pay attention to the low-SES population,and help them firmly believe that parental determination and confidence will enable their children to master language well. The government should also think of ways to alleviate the pressure of low-SES families,and formulate policies for children's language development,family language management and planning and social assistance,so as to realize early intervention in the language development of low-SES children.

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