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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 12 2019-04-01
摘要: 性侵犯嚴(yán)重威脅兒童身心健康,受害兒童中約有25%~35%是幼兒,因此在幼兒期開始預(yù)防教育非常重要。本研究在北京選取92名幼兒,以班為單位,隨機(jī)分為教育組(N=44)和對(duì)照組(N=48),使用中國版《個(gè)人安全手冊(cè)》,教授幼兒預(yù)防知識(shí)和技能,如認(rèn)識(shí)隱私部位,辨別安全和不安全身體接觸,面對(duì)不安全接觸說"不"、快跑、向信任的人披露性侵犯事件。在連續(xù)教育5天后,教育組幼兒預(yù)防知識(shí)和技能水平顯著提高,且保持了3~5個(gè)月。幼兒園應(yīng)使用具體形象和游戲化教育材料,采用以行為規(guī)則為主的方法開展幼兒預(yù)防性侵犯教育,同時(shí)積極開展教師培訓(xùn)和家校合作,提高教師與家長的預(yù)防知識(shí)和能力。
Child sexual abuse is a serious threat to the physical and mental health of children,and about 25% ~35% of victims are preschool-aged children. So,it is very important to start education from preschool-aged children. This study was conducted among 92 preschoolers in Beijing,and they were randomly assigned to either the education group(N=44) or the wait-list control group(N=48),using the class as a unit. The researcher utilized Chinese version Body Safe Training, and taught preschoolers prevention knowledge and skills,such as recognizing the location of the"private parts",differentiating between safe and unsafe touching,in the unsafe situations,saying "No! ",running and telling the trusted persons about the abused incident. After five consecutive days' education,trained preschoolers had significantly higher levels of prevention knowledge and skills,and kept for 3~5 months. Concrete image and game oriented educational materials,and behavioral perspective teaching method should be used to carry out prevention education in preschool. Meanwhile,in order to improve teachers and parents' prevention knowledge and ability,teachers training and home-school cooperation should be developed.

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