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學(xué)前教育研究 頁(yè)數(shù): 13 2019-04-01
摘要: 師幼互動(dòng)質(zhì)量對(duì)幼兒發(fā)展具有重要影響,并能預(yù)測(cè)幼兒未來(lái)學(xué)業(yè)成就,是學(xué)前教育質(zhì)量重要的過(guò)程性指標(biāo)之一。本研究對(duì)2009~2017年間覆蓋我國(guó)14省市892名幼兒園教師的18篇基于CLASS評(píng)價(jià)工具的師幼互動(dòng)質(zhì)量研究進(jìn)行元分析,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)從整體上看我國(guó)師幼互動(dòng)質(zhì)量處于中等水平,與其他國(guó)家一樣呈現(xiàn)出"情感支持得分較高,教育支持得分較低"的特點(diǎn);就國(guó)際排名來(lái)說(shuō),教育支持得分較靠前,行為管理和情感支持中的"尊重兒童觀點(diǎn)"和"教師敏感性"得分較靠后;情感支持中的"積極氛圍"與教育支持中的"認(rèn)知發(fā)展"、情感支持中的"教師敏感性"與教育支持中的"語(yǔ)言示范反饋質(zhì)量"的相關(guān)系數(shù)在0.6以上;除認(rèn)知發(fā)展和語(yǔ)言示范外,東部地區(qū)在其他8個(gè)子維度上的得分均高于中西部地區(qū),但兩者僅在班級(jí)管理和情感支持上存在顯著差異;除認(rèn)知發(fā)展外,非集體活動(dòng)在其他9個(gè)子維度上的得分均高于集體活動(dòng),但兩者僅在班級(jí)管理上具有顯著差異;小中大班的總效應(yīng)值均表現(xiàn)出大班>中班>小班的趨勢(shì),但僅在教育支持上具有顯著差異。幼兒園教師應(yīng)進(jìn)一步理解和內(nèi)化科學(xué)兒童觀,真正建立兒童中心的信念,提高觀察與支持兒童的能力。未來(lái)師幼互動(dòng)與教師專(zhuān)業(yè)發(fā)展研究應(yīng)正視區(qū)域差異和不同教育情境的影響,考慮幼兒發(fā)展水平與特征、活動(dòng)形式與內(nèi)容等因素的限制。
The quality of teacher-child interaction plays an important role both in the early childhood's development and the prediction of academic achievement. It is one of the most important process indicators of preschool education quality. At present,researches in China mainly use CLASS tools to evaluate the kindergarten teachers within certain regions,which have not revealed the national average from a macro perspective. Therefore,this study analyzed 18 articles which covers 892 kindergarten teachers from 14 provinces and cities in China between 2009 and 2017. It found that :(1)as a whole,① the level of interaction between teachers and children in China is at medium. As other countries shown,the score of emotional support is higher,the score of education support is lower. ② Among international rankings,education support is higher. The behavior management and the "respect for children's perspective"and"teacher sensitivity"in emotional support are lower;③The "positive atmosphere"of emotional support and"cognitive development"of teaching support,as well as "teacher sensitivity"of emotional support and"language demonstration and positive atmosphere"of teaching support,of which the correlation coefficient are above 0.6;(2)With respect to differences,①scores of eastern coastal areas are higher than the central and western regions in eight sub-dimensions except for cognitive development and language demonstration.There are significant differences in the field of class management and emotional support;② Non-collective activities have higher scores than group activities in nine sub-dimensions except for cognitive development.The only significant difference lies in the field of class management between non-collective activities and collective activities;③ The total effect values of the three major areas are as follows:the class of 5 ~6-year-old children > the class of 4 ~5-year-old children > the class of 3 ~4-year-old children. There is only significant difference in the field of education support between above classes. On analyzing the causes behind the results,this study proposes three suggestions. Firstly,deepen the internalization of kindergarten teachers' views on children. Secondly,focus on teachers' ability to observe children and then link with supportive strategies. Thirdly,pay attention to the distinction of interaction between teachers and children in different contexts as well as of educational situations.

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