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學(xué)前教育研究 頁數(shù): 16 2019-04-01
摘要: 為解決錯(cuò)綜復(fù)雜的幼小銜接問題,各主要利益相關(guān)者都應(yīng)建立基于兒童健全成長取向的幼小銜接教育觀。本研究利用來自武漢市17所幼兒園和13所小學(xué)由家長、教師、管理者填寫的2296份調(diào)查問卷數(shù)據(jù),對當(dāng)前主要利益相關(guān)者在這一幼小銜接教育觀上的差異進(jìn)行分析,結(jié)果表明,在兒童生態(tài)發(fā)展因素上,家園之間和家校之間對幼小銜接的認(rèn)識均存在顯著差異,其中家長認(rèn)識偏低;在兒童學(xué)習(xí)品質(zhì)因素上,小學(xué)家長是幼小銜接中引發(fā)兒童學(xué)習(xí)養(yǎng)成問題的最主要沖突力量;在師生關(guān)系因素上,幼兒園群體與小學(xué)群體之間的銜接認(rèn)識分歧最顯著;在兒童教育期望因素上,幼兒園與小學(xué)家長、教師、管理者6類被試群體得分均偏低,其中小學(xué)教師不合理的教育期望最高,心理焦慮程度最大;在兒童時(shí)空環(huán)境因素上,幼兒園與小學(xué)教育管理者的銜接認(rèn)識顯著高于其他群體。為更好地促進(jìn)幼小銜接,幼兒園與小學(xué)家長、教師和管理者應(yīng)呵護(hù)兒童的"自成長力",建立基于相同價(jià)值取向的銜接觀;應(yīng)增強(qiáng)各主要利益相關(guān)者的教育責(zé)任感,尤其要提高弱勢家長群體對兒童學(xué)習(xí)品質(zhì)的認(rèn)識;應(yīng)明確幼小教育合作的整體設(shè)計(jì),促進(jìn)深度銜接,培養(yǎng)小學(xué)教師的積極教育期望。
Reconstructing the common value orientation of the main stakeholders—the cohesive education view of children's sound growth has been an important issue to solve the complicated problem of the transition from kindergarten to primary school. In this paper,through an empirical study of the five major factors of the view of transition from kindergarten to primary school,this paper makes use of the difference analysis of 2296 survey data from 17 kindergartens and 13 primary schools in Wuhan city. The results show that:on the factors of children's ecological development,the understanding of transition from kindergarten to primary school between home and home school was very different,among which parents were on the low side;on the factors of children's learning quality,primary school parents were the most important conflict forces in young children's learning and nurturance;on the factors of the relationship between teachers and students,the cohesion between the kindergarten group and the primary school group was the most significant;on the factors of children's education expectation,the evaluation values of the six types of subjects were all low,among which the unreasonable education expectation of primary school teachers and the most psychological anxiety were the highest. On the factors of time and space environment of children,the managers of kindergarten and primary school education were significantly higher than those of other groups. This article from the care of the child's strength,nurturing the joint concept of cohesion,paying attention to the vulnerable groups of interests, strengthening their corresponding sense of education responsibility, and making clear the overall design of the kindergarten and primary school education cooperation,promote the depth of connection,and constantly discover the"true children",and train the positive education expectation of primary school teachers and so on,to put forward the corresponding coordination countermeasures.

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