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教師教育研究 頁數(shù): 7
摘要: 以573名幼兒教師為研究對象,采用問卷法考察幼兒教師職業(yè)倦怠的現(xiàn)狀及其與幼兒園組織氣氛、教師教學(xué)效能感之間的關(guān)系。研究發(fā)現(xiàn):(1)從教一年內(nèi)的幼兒教師的情感枯竭水平顯著低于其他教齡的幼兒教師,民辦幼兒園教師的情感枯竭水平顯著低于公辦幼兒園教師。(2)幼兒教師的職業(yè)倦怠分為三類:倦怠型、低成就感型、適應(yīng)型,分別占22. 17%、37. 17%、40. 66%。(3)結(jié)構(gòu)方程模型分析發(fā)現(xiàn),組織氣氛(園長行為)和組織氣氛(教師行為)均直接負向預(yù)測教師的職業(yè)倦怠;幼兒教師教學(xué)效能感在組織氣氛(教師行為)和教師職業(yè)倦怠之間起部分中介作用。
A total of 573 preschool teachers participated in the current study. This study examined the status of preschool teachers' job burnout and its relationship with preschool organization climate and teachers' teaching efficacy using questionnaires. This study found that:( 1) The emotional exhaustion level of preschool teachers in one year was significantly lower than others. The level of emotional exhaustion of nonpublic preschool teachers was significantly lower than that of public preschool teachers.( 2) Preschool teachers' job burnout could be divided into three categories: burnout,low achievers,and adaptable,accounting for 22. 17%,37. 17%,and 40. 66% respectively.( 3) The structural equation model found that organizational climate( principal's behavior) and organizational climate( teacher 's behavior) both negatively predicted teachers' job burnout directly; and teaching efficacy of preschool teachers partly mediated the relationship between the organizational climate( teacher's behavior) and teachers' job burnout.

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