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教師教育研究 頁數(shù): 8 2019-01-15
摘要: 理解科學(xué)本質(zhì)是科學(xué)教育的重要理念,教師對科學(xué)本質(zhì)的認(rèn)識深刻影響著科學(xué)教育的效果。本研究對北京市215位幼兒教師進(jìn)行了問卷調(diào)查,并結(jié)合訪談和觀察結(jié)果,對其科學(xué)本質(zhì)觀的水平、特征和類型進(jìn)行了分析。研究發(fā)現(xiàn):幼兒教師對科學(xué)本質(zhì)的理解普遍不足,近85%的教師的科學(xué)本質(zhì)觀處于中等及中等以下水平,僅有1%的教師對科學(xué)本質(zhì)具有良好的理解。當(dāng)前,73. 4%的幼兒教師持有傳統(tǒng)樸素型的科學(xué)本質(zhì)觀,教師對科學(xué)本質(zhì)的理解具有零散性、內(nèi)隱性與模糊性的特點(diǎn),與其教育實(shí)踐間存在矛盾。
Understanding the nature of science is an important concept of science education. Teachers' understanding of the nature of science profoundly affects the effect of science education. In this study,215 kindergarten teachers in Beijing were surveyed,also by means of interviews and observations. We analyzed the level,characteristics and types of their views of the nature of science. The study found that kindergarten teachers' understanding of the nature of science is generally inadequate. Nearly 85% of the teachers' understanding of nature of science is at the middle and middle level,and only 1% of the teachers have a good understanding. At present,73. 4% of kindergarten teachers hold the traditional views of nature of science,teachers' understanding of the nature of science is fragmented,implicit and ambiguous,and there is a contradiction between its educational practice.

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