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教師教育研究 頁數(shù): 6 2019-03-15
摘要: 貧困山區(qū)幼兒教師的教育質(zhì)量觀具有樸素、合理的一面,但也存在一定誤區(qū),應從下列幾方面實現(xiàn)轉(zhuǎn)向:從追求功利到立足長遠,樹立能力與素養(yǎng)并重的目標觀;從羨慕城市到著眼山區(qū),樹立開發(fā)與利用統(tǒng)籌的條件觀;從知識灌輸?shù)襟w驗探究,樹立過程與結(jié)果兼顧的學習觀;從被動觀賞到主動參與,樹立互動與創(chuàng)造并舉的環(huán)境觀;從外貼標簽到關(guān)注發(fā)展,樹立動態(tài)與多元結(jié)合的評價觀。
The educational quality concept of preschool teacher in poverty-stricken mountain areas has a simple but correct side, however there are some misunderstandings. It should be changed from the following aspects: from pursuing utilitarianism to the long-term goal and set up the concept of objective on both ability and literacy, from admiring cities' condition to cherishing local resources and set up the condition concept of overall development and utilization, from knowledge inculcation to experience exploration and set up the learning concept of giving consideration to both process and result, from passive acceptance to active participation and set up an environmental concept of interaction and innovation simultaneously, from labeling to focusing on development and establish a dynamic and pluralistic concept of evaluation.

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