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外國(guó)中小學(xué)教育 頁(yè)數(shù): 15 2019-03-08
摘要: 模式(Pattern)能力是兒童早期數(shù)學(xué)能力的重要組成部分,對(duì)兒童數(shù)學(xué)思維和代數(shù)能力的發(fā)展具有重要作用。已有研究表明兒童早期模式能力的發(fā)展對(duì)其日后的數(shù)學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)具有重要影響,要深入研究?jī)和缙谀J侥芰Πl(fā)展和認(rèn)知機(jī)制及其與其它相關(guān)認(rèn)知能力之間的關(guān)系,這些都有賴于科學(xué)化和系統(tǒng)化的模式評(píng)估工具。本文梳理和分析了美國(guó)和澳大利亞的5種模式評(píng)估工具及其相關(guān)的干預(yù)研究,在此基礎(chǔ)上為編制適宜我國(guó)兒童的模式評(píng)估工具提供有效依據(jù),以期在模式評(píng)估工具的目的、任務(wù)設(shè)置、表征形式及信效度等方面提出借鑒。
Pattern ability is an important part of children's early mathematical learning and plays an important role in the development of children's mathematical thinking and algebraic ability. Previous studies have shown that the development of children's early pattern ability has a vital impact on their later mathematical learning. To further study the development of children's early pattern ability and its cognitive mechanism and the relationship with other related cognitive abilities, It is indispensable to have further studies on children's pattern development and cognitive mechanism, which depends on the scientific and systematic assessment tasks. This review introduces 5 assessments of early mathematical pattern learning and some interventions in America and Australia, which try to provide reflection and reference for early mathematical patterning assessment in China.

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