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教育理論與實踐 頁數(shù): 3 2019-03-25
摘要: 通過問卷法、訪談法對高職學(xué)前教育專業(yè)實習(xí)生的職業(yè)自我效能感與職業(yè)認同現(xiàn)狀的關(guān)系進行實證研究。結(jié)果表明:高職學(xué)前教育專業(yè)實習(xí)生職業(yè)認同處于中等偏上水平。其中,職業(yè)期望維度得分最低;報考意愿是重要的影響因素,報考意愿為幼兒教師的高職學(xué)前教育專業(yè)實習(xí)生在職業(yè)效能、職業(yè)意志和職業(yè)認同總分等方面顯著;職業(yè)自我效能感與職業(yè)認同存在顯著正相關(guān)。其中,職業(yè)人際交往效能感、職業(yè)身心效能感兩個維度對職業(yè)認同有顯著的正向預(yù)測作用。
By means of questionnaires and interviews, this paper makes an empirical study on the relationship between vocational self-efficacy and the status quo of vocational identity of pre-school interns in vocational colleges.The results show that vocational identity of pre-school education interns in vocational colleges is on the upper middle level. Among them, the lowest score is in the dimension of career expectation; the willingness to apply for the examination is an important influencing factor. The willingness to apply for the examination is significant in terms of professional efficacy, professional will and total score of professional identity of pre-school vocational interns of kindergarten teachers; there is a significant positive correlation between professional self-efficacy and professional identity. Among them, occupational interpersonal communication efficacy and occupational physical-mental efficacy have significant positive predictive effects on occupational identity.

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