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江西師范大學(xué)學(xué)報(哲學(xué)社會科學(xué)版) 頁數(shù): 6 2019-03-25
摘要: 數(shù)字媒體是當今社會生活的重要元素,早期兒童身心發(fā)展的脆弱性和關(guān)鍵性給數(shù)字媒體中的早期兒童保護提出了挑戰(zhàn)。美國關(guān)于數(shù)字媒體中的早期兒童保護積累了一些經(jīng)驗:倡導(dǎo)科學(xué)的數(shù)字媒體早期兒童發(fā)展觀、出臺操作性強的早期兒童與數(shù)字媒體行動指南、完善早期兒童媒體保護政策法規(guī)、推行個性化的家庭媒體使用計劃等。這給我們帶來啟示:要科學(xué)認識數(shù)字媒體在早期兒童發(fā)展中的價值、制定完善的數(shù)字媒體早期兒童保護法規(guī)、出臺數(shù)字媒體早期兒童保護指南,從而保障早期兒童健康、有益的體驗與利用數(shù)字媒體。
The digital media is an important element of today's social life,the vulnerability and importance of early childhood physical and mental development challenges to early childhood protection in digital media.About early childhood protection in digital media the United States has accumulated some experiences:advocating the scientific concept of early childhood development of digital media,introducing a strong operational guide for early childhood and digital media,improving early childhood media protection policies and regulations,and promoting personalized home media use programs,etc.The enlightenment it brings to our country is:scientifically understanding the value of digital media in the development of early childhood,developing sound early childhood protection regulations for digital media,and introducing early childhood protection guidelines for digital media,so as to guarantee the healthy,beneficial experiences and use of digital media in early childhood.

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