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當(dāng)代教育論壇 頁數(shù): 10 2019-02-08
摘要: 政府購買服務(wù)牽引下的普惠性民辦幼兒園實(shí)踐涉及政府、普惠園、公眾三主體,要使普惠性民辦幼兒園彰顯普惠性特征,便需要不斷優(yōu)化購買學(xué)前教育服務(wù)的績效,其中涉及三主體間的互動關(guān)系。通過構(gòu)建政府、幼兒園、公眾在內(nèi)的三方演化博弈模型,分析各主體的行為策略及其相互影響關(guān)系,探討政府購買學(xué)前教育服務(wù)績效優(yōu)化的條件。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),政府策略選擇與監(jiān)管成本和公信力有關(guān),普惠園策略選擇與努力成本、政府的獎懲措施及幼兒園自身的社會形象有關(guān),公眾策略選擇則與政府公信力和普惠園所帶來的獲得感等有關(guān)。優(yōu)化購買績效主要應(yīng)從降低政府監(jiān)管成本與普惠園努力成本,增加普惠園努力收益,完善評估體系,加強(qiáng)公眾滿意度在績效評估中的權(quán)重這幾點(diǎn)著手。
The practice of inclusive Private Kindergarten under the traction of Government purchase Service involves the three main bodies of the Government, the inclusive Garden and the Public, In order for inclusive private kindergartens to show the characteristics of inclusiveness, it is necessary to continuously optimize the performance of pre-school education services, which involves the interaction among the three subjects. By constructing the three-party evolutionary game model of government, kindergarten and public, this paper analyzes the behavior strategies of each subject and their mutual influence relations, and probes into the conditions for optimizing the performance of government pre-school education service. It is found that the choice of government strategy is related to the cost and credibility of supervision, the choice of inclusive garden strategy is related to the cost of effort, the government measures of reward and punishment, and the social image of kindergarten itself. The choice of public strategy is related to the credibility of the Government and the sense of access brought about by the inclusive Garden. In order to optimize the purchasing performance, we should reduce the cost of government supervision and the effort cost of Inclusive private kindergarten, increase the profit of the effort, perfect the evaluation system, and strengthen the weight of public satisfaction in the performance evaluation.

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