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教育理論與實踐 頁數(shù): 2 2019-02-25
摘要: 當(dāng)前學(xué)前教育專業(yè)普遍在實踐課程建設(shè)方面存在重理論而輕實踐、校內(nèi)實踐形式單一、校外實踐安排不合理以及實踐效果得不到保證的問題。"互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+"背景下學(xué)前教育實踐課程建設(shè)的改進(jìn)策略是:學(xué)校要重視學(xué)前教育實踐課程的安排,不斷創(chuàng)新學(xué)前教育校內(nèi)實踐的形式、提升學(xué)前教育校外實踐的質(zhì)量,加強(qiáng)對學(xué)前教育實踐的管理和考核。
At present, in the practice curriculum construction of preschool education specialty there commonly exist such problems as emphasizing theory while ignoring practice, single practice form in school, unreasonable practice arrangement outside school, and insufficient practice effect. In the background of"Internet plus", the improvement strategy of building preschool education practice curriculum includes such aspects as the arrangement of pre-school education practice curriculum necessarily valued by school, the form of preschool education practice constantly innovated in school to enhance the quality of preschool education practice outside school, and the management and examination of preschool education practice that should be strengthened.

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