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技術(shù)經(jīng)濟 頁數(shù): 10 2018-10-25
摘要: 進一步闡述了領(lǐng)導和管理的時空理論的時間視角,提出了動態(tài)分析模型。隨著時間的推移,組織的內(nèi)部情況和外部環(huán)境會發(fā)生動態(tài)變化。一種是可預測的和確定性的變化,應(yīng)該通過學習來應(yīng)對;一種是不可預測的和不確定性的變化,應(yīng)該通過創(chuàng)新來應(yīng)對。根據(jù)在時間視角上應(yīng)對動態(tài)變化的兩種方式——學習和創(chuàng)新,提出了動態(tài)兼顧、動態(tài)切換和動態(tài)轉(zhuǎn)換的思想。動態(tài)兼顧是指領(lǐng)導者和管理者既要重視學習,又要重視創(chuàng)新;動態(tài)切換是指領(lǐng)導者和管理者應(yīng)該根據(jù)實際情況在學習與創(chuàng)新之間進行切換,在有些情況下應(yīng)該側(cè)重于關(guān)注學習,在有些情況下應(yīng)該側(cè)重于關(guān)注創(chuàng)新;動態(tài)轉(zhuǎn)換是指領(lǐng)導者和管理者應(yīng)該促進學習與創(chuàng)新的轉(zhuǎn)換,建立前后相生、良性互動的流程和體系?;趧討B(tài)分析模型,提出了相應(yīng)的理論命題和實踐方法,總結(jié)了理論和實踐貢獻,并指出了今后的發(fā)展方向。
Based on the overall framework of time-space theory of leadership and management,this paper proposes a dynamic analysis model.It proposes that internal and external environment of an organization will change dynamically over time.Among these changes,one is predictable and certain which should be coped with learning.The other change is unpredictable and uncertain,which should be addressed through innovation.Based on the two ways of dealing with the dynamic changes in time perspective,which are learning and innovation,it puts forward the idea of Dynamic Balancing,Dynamic Switching and Dynamic Transforming.Dynamic Balancing means that leaders and managers should pay attention to both learning and innovation.Dynamic Switching means that leaders and managers should switch between learning and innovation flexibly according to the practical situations.In some situations,they should put emphasis on learning;while in other situations,they should pay attention to innovation.Dynamic Transforming means that leaders and managers should promote the positive mutual transformation between learning and innovation,and build processes and systems in which different ways would positively interact and promote each other.According to the dynamic analysis model,it proposes the theoretical propositions and the corresponding practical methodologies for practical activities of leaders and managers.Finally,it summarizes the theoretical contribution and practical significance,and puts forward the directions of future research.

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