6.劍突 xiphoid process10.胸鎖前韌帶 anterior sternoclavicular ligament11.胸肋輻射韌帶 radiate sternocostal ligament12.關節(jié)盤 articular disc13.胸肋關節(jié) sternocostal joints...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
6.劍突 xiphoid process10.胸鎖前韌帶 anterior sternoclavicular ligament11.胸肋輻射韌帶 radiate sternocostal ligament12.關節(jié)盤 articular disc13.胸肋關節(jié) sternocostal joints...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
1.額骨 frontal bone2.頂骨 parietal bone3.顳骨 temporal bone4.眶上裂 superior orbital fissure5.視神經管 optic canal6.眶下裂 inferior orbital fissure7.顴骨 zygomatic bone8.下鼻甲 inferior nasal concha9.梨狀孔 piriform aperture10.下頜骨 mandible11.頦隆凸 mental protuberance...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
1.冠狀縫 coronal suture2.額骨 frontal bone3.翼點 pterion4.淚骨 lacrimal bone5.鼻骨 nasal bone6.淚囊窩 fossa for lacrimal sac7.蝶骨 sphenoid bone8.眶下孔 infraorbital foramen9.顴骨 zygomatic bone10.上頜骨 maxilla11.頦孔 mental foramen12.下頜體 body of mandible13.頂骨 par...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
1.雞冠 crista galli2.額竇 frontal sinus3.鼻骨 nasal bone4.篩板 cribriform plate5.垂直板 perpendicular plate6.梨狀孔 piriform aperture7.犁骨 vomer8.切牙管 incisive canal9.下頜舌骨肌線 mylohyoid line10.舌下腺凹 sublingual fovea11.蝶竇 sphenoidal sinus12.垂體窩 hypophys...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
1.額嵴 frontal crest2.蝶骨小翼 lesser wing of sphenoid bone3.交叉前溝 sulcus prechiasmaticus4.鞍結節(jié) tuberculum sellae5.圓孔 foramen rotundum6.頸動脈溝 carotid sulcus7.卵圓孔 foramen ovale8.破裂孔 foramen lacerum9.棘孔 foramen spinosum10.內耳門 internal acoustic pore11.巖...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
1.切牙孔 incisive foramen2.上頜骨腭突 palatine process of maxilla3.腭中縫 median palatine suture4.腭橫縫 transverse palatine suture5.腭大孔 greater palatine foramen6.顴弓 zygomatic arch7.蝶骨 sphenoid bone8.翼窩 pterygoid fossa9.卵圓孔 foramen ovale10.棘孔 foramen spinosum...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
1.篩板 cribriform plate2.篩小房 ethmoidal cellules3.垂直板 perpendicular plate4.鼻腔 nasal cavity5.下鼻道 inferior nasal meatus6.牙槽突 alveolar process7.雞冠 crista galli8.眶上裂 superior orbital fissure9.眶腔 orbital cavity10.上鼻甲 superior nasal concha11.中鼻甲 middle...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
1.大角 greater horn2.小角 lesser horn3.舌骨體 body of hyoid bone...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
4.髁突 condylar process5.下頜頭 head of mandible6.下頜頸 neck of mandible7.下頜支 ramus of mandible8.咬肌粗隆 masseteric tuberosity9.下頜角 angle of mandible10.下頜體 body of mandible11.冠突 coronoid process12.下頜切跡 mandibular notch13.下頜孔 mandibular foramen14.下頜小...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
1.額竇 frontal sinus2.雞冠 crista galli3.鼻骨 nasal bone4.篩骨垂直板 perpendicularplate of ethmoid bone5.犁骨 vomer6.篩板 cribriform plate7.垂體窩 hypophysial fossa8.蝶竇 sphenoidal sinus9.斜坡 clivus...[繼續(xù)閱讀]