drive stakes; make one’s home (in a place); settle down; establish oneself/還有些人可以長期住下去,比如兩年、三年,或者更長一些時間,就在那里生活,叫做“~”。(《毛澤東選集》Ⅴ—408) Still others can stay and live there for a considerable time,say two or t......(本文共 232 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 drive stakes; make one’s home (in a place); settle down; establish oneself/還有些人可以長期住下去,比如兩年、三年,或者更長一些時間,就在那里生活,叫做“~”。(《毛澤東選集》Ⅴ—408) Still others can stay and live there for a considerable time,say two or t......(本文共 232 字) [閱讀本文] >>